Snapshots of Post-Assad Syria
by Charlotte Al-KhaliliElementary School Disciplinary Records in the Construction of the School-to-Prison Pipeline
by Kristen DrybreadPlastic humans everywhere!
by Christina KefalaOn Writing and Becoming an Anthropologist: Mistakes, Shifting Career Paths, Anthropological Praxis, and Academic Precarity
by Magdalena Zegarra ChiapporiComplaining about Heat in Nagaland
by Roderick WijunamaiNotes on the limits of Israeli settler democratic insurgency
Alejandro I. Paz21st Century Wanderers’ Club: The Online Rise of Maladaptive Daydreaming
Elizabeth DurhamOn Donors and Daughters: The Language of Queer Kinship
Andrea Stevenson Allen and Tracy M. LemosWalking in Soqotra
Anne MeneleyA Fordist Fantasy? Managing fluidity in the French asylum system
Tessa BonduelleThe Afterlife of Unconstitutionality
Roshni ChattopadhyayAn Ethnographic Encounter with “White” AI
Christina KefalaIntimate Precarities: Growing Old in Lima, Peru
Magdalena Zegarra ChiapporiBorders of Care: Ethnography with the Monarch Butterfly
Columba Gonzalez-DuarteAccessible Atmospheres and Medically Assisted Death: Dignity, Oppression, and the Eugenic Impulse in Canada
Sophia Jaworski“Be Strong Like a Kitchen Cabinet”: Indestructible Objects as Symbols of Resistance in Ukraine
Alisa SopovaSovereignty in Settler Colonial Times: Kinship and Education in the Tibetan Exile Community
Dawa LokyitsangAn Anthropology about Us, for Us, by Us
Argenis Hurtado MorenoOur Indigenous Land is Not a Wasteland
Huatse GyalOn Possibility: Old Age and What is Left When Living in “Hell”
Magdalena ZegarraHealing without Monsters: On Psychodrama and Therapeutic Experimentation in Israel
Talia KatzFieldwork and Fallout with the Far-Right
Sarah Riccardi-SwartzTroubling Consent and Theorizing Refusal in Pediatric Medicine
Carey DeMichelisWhat We’re Reading, Winter 2020 (AES Edition)
Roberto Gonzalez, Naveeda Khan, Ognjen Kojanic, Celeste Pang, and Victoria (Tori) Sheldon