
The American Ethnological Society (AES) is dedicated to expanding the reach of ethnography. We promote ethnographic research through publications, awards, conferences, and networking opportunities.


American Ethnologist (AE) engages anthropological theory through ethnography. We encourage anthropologists from around the world to submit to AE.

Online Content

Our online digital content allows AES to participate in emergent debates through short essays, topical collections, and scholar interviews. Anthropologists are encouraged to submit essays for content to our Digital Content Editor.

Latest Online Content

  • The Insomniac’s Stubborn Hope

    by Julia Vorhölter

    Published On: 10/03/2024
  • “The prison has a library”

    by Mascha Schulz

    Published On: 10/02/2024
  • Despite the “Company”

    by Rishabh Raghavan

    Published On: 10/02/2024
  • An Audacious Vision

    by Hanna Nieber

    Published On: 10/02/2024

About AES

The American Ethnological Society was founded in 1842. At the time, all the anthropologists in the United States could fit into one room.

AES is now a large society with an exceptional journal as well as dynamic online collections.

AES supports students through funding, awards, and opportunities for mentorship and professionalization.

AES has two book awards, organizes panels for the annual AAA meetings, and helps organize a spring conference for AES members.



The Relevance of Ethnography

“I hope to have encouraged others to view centers of power as lying within the horizon of ethnography, where they have been all along, latent in the very categories and experiences of difference which have traditionally inspired and informed ethnographic research.”

A Moment’s Notice: Time Politics across Cultures (1996), by Carol Greenhouse, AE Editor-in-Chief (1998–2002).

A Message from the President

Welcome to the American Ethnological Society!  We are a diverse community of scholars at all career stages who share a deep commitment to the advancement of cultural anthropology by generating rich ethnography and relevant, innovative theory.

This website offers insight into our collective project.  Here you will find information about our dynamic spring conferences; robust publication of scholarship;  book prizes that recognize junior and senior colleagues at the cutting edges of our discipline; and funding opportunities for graduate students.

We are particularly proud to publish the flagship cultural anthropology journal, American Ethnologist (AE), in collaboration with the American Anthropological Association.  Through AE and our many late-breaking essays published directly on our website, AES seeks to advance the generation and dissemination of knowledge that makes a difference in our world.

Please join us!  Our membership dues are low and our member benefits are high.  We would like nothing better than for you to find your intellectual home in anthropology amidst the remarkable researchers, writers, artists, and teachers of the AES community.

Ken Guest Signature

Ken Guest

Become a Member

If you are already an American Anthropological Association (AAA) member, just add an AES membership. If you are new to the AAA, please consider becoming a member of AAA and AES. You will be notified of AES news through AAA Communities.