What We’re Reading, Summer 2019 (AES Edition)
Gina Athena Ulysse, Carole McGranahan, Brittany Birberick, Chris Loperena, Alize Arican, and Marc EdelmanThe Artist as Bureaucrat: Documentary Filmmaking in Egypt, 1960-1980s
Alia AymanAnthropology’s “Repugnant Others”
Grace A. CareyYarmouk was a City, not a Camp: Palestinian
Matthew DeMaioThe World Bank, the Old City, and Liquid Land
Tariq RahmanPlaying Fafi in Johannesburg
Brittany BirberickDACA Preliminary Injunctions: The State Deferred
Gray Abarca and Susan Bibler Coutin“The Personal is Political” Reflections, Critique, and Steps Forward in the Era of Donald Trump
Chelsey CarterDoing Fieldwork After Henrietta Schmerler On Sexual Violence and Blame in Anthropology
Megan Steffen“It’s a Feeling, Not a Theory”: A Reflection on Anthropology, Empathy, and Consent at Standing Rock
Tara Joly