The American Ethnological Society hosts an annual spring conference, typically co-organized with another sub-section (e.g. CASCA, SANA, etc.). The conference organizers jointly develop a broad and pertinent theme in order to inspire and organize panel and individual paper submissions. AES encourages experimentation with different kinds of presentation styles beyond the “polished paper” approach. The AES spring conference invites participants to develop alternative presentations — such as informal discussions, extemporaneous talks, point/counterpoint sessions, and workshops – in order to encourage discussion over performance. Announcements regarding the AES spring conference will be posted on this website, as well as distributed at the annual AAA meeting, and published in the **AES Section News** of *Anthropology News*. AES also hosts panels, roundtables, workshops, meetings, and special events at the Annual Meetings.
April 14-17 San Juan, Puerto Rico Theme: New Forms of Difference, New Forms of Connection After more than three decades of neoliberal policies that largely redistributed wealth from poor to [...]
May 13-16, 2009 Vancouver, Canada Theme: Transnational Anthropologies Convergences and Divergences in Globalized Disciplinary Networks In an era when anthropology is increasingly attentive to transnational connections, globalized geographies, and diasporic [...]
April 3-5, 2008 Wrightsville Beach, NC Theme: Democracy, Disorder, and Discontent The 2008 SANA/AES conference seeks panels and papers that creatively engage the discrepancies between the idea and the practice [...]
May 9-12, 2007 Toronto, Canada Theme: Indigeneities and Cosmopolitanisms This conference, jointly organized by the Canadian Anthropology Society and the American Ethnological Society, aimed to stimulate debate and encourage collaboration [...]