The situation of the interface: Pashto master copies and data migration in Sharjah
Timothy P. A. Cooper
Pig-feast democracy: Direct local elections and the making of a plural political order in West Papua
Veronika Kusumaryati
“Punching is a sickness”: Temporal work, violence, and unsettled care among men who box in Accra
Leo Hopkinson
Visible critique/critical visibility: Contemporary artists and conspicuous omission in the United Arab Emirates
Elizabeth Derderian
Birding under fire: Ecological violence and value in Iraq
Bridget Guarasci
Fiat speech, fiat infrastructure: The semiosis of anticipatory transformation in Timor-Leste’s emerging oil economy
Judith Bovensiepen
Fuzzy borders: Media, migration brokerage, and state bureaucracy
Natasha Raheja
Book Review Essays – Ethnography at Its Edges
Flexible families: Nicaraguan transnational families in Costa Rica
Lynnette Arnold
The sexual politics of empire: Postcolonial homophobia in Haiti
Dasha A. Chapman
Gut anthro: An experiment in thinking with microbes
Andrea Ford
Sextarianism: Sovereignty, secularism, and the state in Lebanon
Ola Galal
Policing race, ethnicity and culture: Ethnographic perspectives across Europe
Jessica Katzenstein
Chinese village life today: Building families in an age of transition
Andrew Kipnis
Without the state: Self-organization and political activism in Ukraine
Emma Mateo
¡Alerta! Engineering on shaky ground
Lisa Messeri
Thanks for watching: An anthropological study of video sharing on YouTube
Daniel Miller
A ritual geology: Gold and subterranean knowledge in Savanna West Africa
Tom Özden-Schilling
Food allergy advocacy: Parenting and the politics of care
Matthew Pappalardo, Holly Horan
Experimenting with ethnography: A companion to analysis
Fulya Pinar
Chemical heroes: Pharmacological supersoldiers in the US military
Traben Pleasant
Fat in four cultures—a global ethnography of weight
Fernanda Baeza Scagliusi
Something in these hills: The culture of family land in southern Appalachia
William Schumann
Mafiacraft: An ethnography of deadly silence
Antonio Vesco
Genres of listening: An ethnography of psychoanalysis in Buenos Aires
Sergio E. Visacovsky