Hailing the state: Indian democracy between elections By Lisa MitchellDurham, NC: Duke University Press, 2023320 pp.
Zaheer Baber

Digital unsettling: Decoloniality and dispossession in the age of social media By Sahana Udupa and Ethiraj Gabriel DattatreyanNew York: New York University Press, 2023264 pp.
Maitrayee Basu

The mother, the politician, and the guerrilla: Women’s political imagination in the Kurdish movement By Nazan ÜstündağNew York: Fordham University Press, 2023272 pp.
Hasret Cetinkaya

Zainab’s traffic: Moving saints, selves, and others across borders By Emrah YıldızOakland: University of California Press, 2024191 pp.
Sana Chavoshian

Passport island: The market for EU citizenship in Cyprus By Theodoros RakopoulosManchester: Manchester University Press, 2023262 pp.
Nicole Constable

Eating besides ourselves: Thresholds of foods and bodies By Heather Paxson and Marianne Elisabeth Lien, eds. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2023248 pp.
Amy Cox Hall

Terror trials: Life and law in Delhi’s courts By Mayur R. SureshNew York: Fordham University Press, 2023272 pp.
Thomas Blom Hansen

Religion and transnational citizenship in the African diaspora: Akan London By Mattia FumantiLondon: Routledge, 2023195 pp.
Antonio Montañés Jimenez

Afterlives of revolution: Everyday counterhistories in southern Oman By Alice WilsonStanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2023336 pp.
Matan Kaminer

The indebted woman: Kinship, sexuality, and capitalism By Isabelle GuérinSantosh Kumar, and G. VenkatasubramanianStanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2023248 pp.
Sohini Kar

Probing arts and emergent forms of life By Michael M. J. FischerDurham, NC: Duke University Press, 2023336 pp.
Pamela Karimi

Imagistic care: Growing old in a precarious world Edited by Cheryl Mattingly and Lone GrønNew York: Fordham University Press, 2022272 pp.
Sarah Lamb

Disability worlds By Faye Ginsburg and Rayna RappDurham, NC: Duke University Press, 2024271 pp.
Timothy Y. Loh

Unsettled borders: The militarized science of surveillance on sacred Indigenous lands By Felicity Amaya SchaefferDurham, NC: Duke University Press, 2022207 pp.
Raquel Madrigal

Enduring polygamy: Plural marriage and social change in an African metropolis By Bruce WhitehouseNew Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2023221 pp.
Julia Pauli

The composition of worlds: Interviews with Pierre Charbonnier By Philippe DescolaCambridge: Polity, 2024200 pp.
Laura Rival

The violence of recognition: Adivasi indigeneity and anti-Dalitness in India By Pinky HotaPhiladelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2024230 pp.
Svati Shah

Working musicians: Labor and creativity in film and television production By Timothy TaylorDurham, NC: Duke University Press, 2023264 pp.
Michael L. Siciliano

Nullius: The anthropology of ownership, sovereignty, and the law in India By Kriti KapilaChicago: Hau Books, 2022207 pp.
David Singh

A tyranny against itself: Intimate partner violence on the margins of Bogotá By John I. B. Bhadra-HeintzPhiladelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2022258 pp.
Signe Svallfors