Unpayable Debt: gender, and sex in financialized India
Waste intimacies: Caste and the unevenness of life in urban Pakistan
“Nobody wants to kill”: Economies of affect and violence in Madagascar’s vanilla boom
The risk of sliding down: Domestic work and the legacies of slavery in the highlands of Madagascar
Signifiers for the divine: Noncompassionate aid in the French cités
Collaborative anthropology, work, and textual reception in a Mexican Nahua village
Ethnography at its Edges
Ethnography at its edges Boas, race and immigration: Then and now
Book Reviews
Model Behavior: Animal Experiments, Complexity, and the Genetics of Psychiatric Disorders
by Nicole C. Nelson • reviewed by ELAN ABRELL
Threshold: Emergency Responders on the US‐Mexico Border
by Ieva Jusionyte • reviewed by ANGEL AEDO
Footbinding as Fashion: Ethnicity, Labor, and Status in Traditional China
by John Robert Shepherd • reviewed by SUZANNE BARBER
Words of Passage: National Longing and the Imagined Lives of Mexican Migrants
by Hilary Parsons Dick • reviewed by JUDITH A. BORUCHOFF
Religion in China: Ties That Bind. Chau, Adam Yuet
by Adam Yuet Chau • reviewed by SUSANNE BREGNBÆK
Channeling the State: Community Media and Popular Politics in Venezuela
by Naomi Schiller • reviewed by AMANDA DANIELA CORTEZ
Border Brokers: Children of Mexican Immigrants Navigating U.S. Society, Laws, and Politics
by Christina M Getrich • reviewed by REBECCA CROCKER
Hemispheric Indigeneities: Native Identity and Agency in Mesoamerica, the Andes, and Canada
by Miléna Santoro and Erick D. Langer • reviewed by GUILLERMO DELGADO‐P
Second World, Second Sex: Socialist Women’s Activism and Global Solidarity during the Cold War
by Kristen Ghodsee • reviewed by JENNIFER ERICKSON
When the State Winks: The Performance of Jewish Conversion in Israel
by Michal Kravel‐Tovi • reviewed by RACHEL FELDMAN
Managing Multiculturalism: Indigeneity and the Struggle for Rights in Colombia
by Jean E. Jackson • reviewed by KATHLEEN S. FINE‐DARE
The Gray Zone: Sovereignty, Human Smuggling, and Undercover Police Investigation in Europe
by Gregory Feldman • reviewed by KAROLINA FOLLIS
The Palace Complex: A Stalinist Skyscraper, Capitalist Warsaw, and a City Transfixed
by Michał Murawski • reviewed by KONSTANTY GEBERT
Mental Disorder: Anthropological Insights
by Nichola Khan • reviewed by KATHRYN L. HALE
The Erotics of History: An Atlantic African Example
by Donald L. Donham • reviewed by JUDITH LYNNE HANNA
Being with the Dead: Burial, Ancestral Politics, and the Roots of Historical Consciousness
by Hans Ruin • reviewed by KRISTIN HANSSEN
Surrogate Humanity: Race, Robots, and the Politics of Technological Futures
by Neda Atanasoski and Kalindi Vora • reviewed by BARBARA HERR HARTHORN
Emotional Worlds: Beyond an Anthropology of Emotion
by Andrew Beatty • reviewed by HYANG JIN JUNG
The Politics of Love in Myanmar: LGBT Mobilization and Human Rights as a Way of Life
by Lynette J. Chua • reviewed by NEIL NORY KAPLAN‐KELLY
State of Health: Pleasure and Politics in Venezuelan Health Care under Chávez
by Amy Cooper • reviewed by CHARLES H. KLEIN
Homely Atmospheres and Lighting Technologies in Denmark: Living with Light
by Mikkel Bille • reviewed by DENISE LAWRENCE‐ZÚÑIGA
Marrying for a Future: Transnational Sri Lankan Tamil Marriages in the Shadow of War
by Sidharthan Maunaguru • reviewed by MURRAY J. LEAF
Social Movements: The Structure of Collective Mobilization
by Paul Almeida • reviewed by L. A. LEE
Remembering the Present: Mindfulness in Buddhist Asia
by J. L. Cassaniti • reviewed by LEEDOM LEFFERTS
Harvests, Feasts, and Graves: Postcultural Consciousness in Contemporary Papua New Guinea
by Ryan Schram • reviewed by DAVID LIPSET
Borders of Belonging: Struggle and Solidarity in Mixed‐Status Immigrant Families
by Heide Castañeda • reviewed by WILLIAM D. LOPEZ
Nightmarch: Among India’s Revolutionary Guerrillas
by Alpa Shah • reviewed by CYNTHIA MAHMOOD
Upstream: Trust Lands and Power on the Feather River
by Middleton Manning and Beth Rose • reviewed by RICHARD MEYERS
Coral Whisperers: Scientists on the Brink
by Irus Braverman • reviewed by AMELIA MOORE
Dream Zones: Anticipating Capitalism and Development in India
by Jamie Cross • reviewed by SRIPAD MOTIRAM
Elite Malay Polygamy: Wives, Wealth and Woes in Malaysia
by Miriam Koktvedgaard Zeitzen • reviewed by AYAMI NAKATANI
Uprising of the Fools: Pilgrimage as Moral Protest in Contemporary India
by Vikash Singh • reviewed by ROBIN OAKLEY
How Lifeworlds Work: Emotionality, Sociality, and the Ambiguity of Being
by Michael Jackson • reviewed by GERHILD PERL
Creative Urbanity: An Italian Middle Class in the Shade of Revitalization
by Emanuela Guano • reviewed by MARTHA RADICE
Designs for the Pluriverse: Radical Interdependence, Autonomy, and the Making of Worlds
by Arturo Escobar • reviewed by J. MONTGOMERY ROPER
The Archive of Loss: Lively Ruination in Mill Land Mumbai
by Maura Finkelstein • reviewed by PREETI SAMPAT
Decolonizing Extinction: The Work of Care in Orangutan Rehabilitation
by Juno Salazar Parreñas • reviewed by GENESE MARIE SODIKOFF
Shanghai Sacred: The Religious Landscape of a Global City
by Benoît Vermander, Liz Hingley, and Liang Zhang • reviewed by ALEXANDER STEWART
Creativity on Demand: The Dilemmas of Innovation in an Accelerated Age
by Eitan Y. Wilf • reviewed by PATRICIA L. SUNDERLAND
Plant Kin: A Multispecies Ethnography in Indigenous Brazil.
by Theresa L. Miller • reviewed by DAVID SYRING
Governing Gifts: Faith, Charity, and the Security State
by Erica Caple James • reviewed by CHRISTOPHER B. TAYLOR
Giving to God: Islamic Charity in Revolutionary Times
by Amira Mittermaier • reviewed by PETER W. VAN ARSDALE
There Is No More Haiti: Between Life and Death in Port‐au‐Prince
by Greg Beckett • reviewed by YVON VAN DER PIJL