
Farming out of place
Transnational family farmers, flexible farming, and the rupture of rural life in Bahia, Brazil

Commensuration, performativity, and the reform of statistics in Turkey

Immersive invisibility in the settler‐colonial city
The conditional inclusion of Palestinians in Tel Aviv

The magic of guns
Scriptive technology and violence in Haiti

Refusal as political practice
Citizenship, sovereignty, and Tibetan refugee status

Dancing the Word
Techniques of embodied authority among Christian praise dancers in New York City

Contesting love through commodification
Soccer fans, affect, and social class in Turkey

Learning to feel at home in the Anthropocene: From state of emergency to everyday experiments in California’s historic drought
Open access article

Book Reviews

Spain Unmoored
Migration, Conversion, and the Politics of Islam
by Mikaela H. Rogozen‐Soltar • reviewed by CARRIE B. DOUGLASS

Regulating Romance
Youth Love Letters, Moral Anxiety, and Intervention in Uganda’s Time of AIDS
by Shanti Parikh • reviewed by ADELINE MASQUELIER

Mobile Secrets
Youth, Intimacy, and the Politics of Pretense in Mozambique
by Julie Soleil Archambault • reviewed by JON SCHUBERT

The Orderly Entrepreneur
Youth, Education, and Governance in Rwanda
by Catherine A. Honeyman • reviewed by JENNIFER E. COFFMAN

Mothers on the Move
Reproducing Belonging between Africa and Europe
by Pamela Feldman‐Savelsberg • reviewed by RACHEL R. REYNOLDS

Punk and Revolution
Seven More Interpretations of Peruvian Reality
by Shane Greene • reviewed by ALEXANDRA LIPPMAN

The Social Life of Politics
Ethics, Kinship, and Union Activism in Argentina
by Sian Lazar • reviewed by MARCOS MENDOZA

They Leave Their Kidneys in the Fields
Illness, Injury, and Illegality among U.S. Farmworkers
by Sarah Bronwen Horton • reviewed by MILENA ANDREA MELO

The U.S.‐Mexico Transborder Region
Cultural Dynamics and Historical Interactions
by Carlos G. Vélez‐Ibáñez and Josiah Heyman and eds • reviewed by ELAINE A. PEÑA

Addiction Trajectories
by Eugene Raikhel and William Garriott and eds. • reviewed by DANYA FAST

Space and Mobility in Palestine
by Julie Peteet • reviewed by SOPHIA STAMATOPOULOU‐ROBBINS

The New Pakistani Middle Class
by Ammara Maqsood • reviewed by GWENDOLYN S. KIRK

Paper Tiger
Law, Bureaucracy and the Developmental State in Himalayan India
by Nayanika Mathur • reviewed by JASON CONS

Tales of Justice and Rituals of Divine Embodiment
Oral Narratives from the Central Himalayas
by Aditya Malik • reviewed by SANJAY JOSHI

The Traffic in Hierarchy
Masculinity and Its Others in Buddhist Burma
by Ward Keeler • reviewed by TANI SEBRO

From Village to City
Social Transformation in a Chinese County Seat
by Andrew B. Kipnis • reviewed by JENNY CHIO

Fungible Life
Experiment in the Asian City of Life
by Aihwa Ong • reviewed by WEN‐CHING SUNG

Placing Outer Space
An Earthly Ethnography of Other Worlds
by Lisa Messeri • reviewed by DEBBORA BATTAGLIA

Understanding Conflicts about Wildlife
A Biosocial Approach
by Catherine M. Hill, Amanda D. Webber, and Nancy E. C. Priston, and eds. • reviewed by ELAN ABRELL

The Monologic Imagination
by Matt Tomlinson and Julian Millie and eds. • reviewed by VIRGINIA R. DOMINGUEZ

A Diagram for Fire
Miracles and Variation in an American Charismatic Movement
by Jon Bialecki • reviewed by SHARI JACOBSON

Red Hangover
Legacies of Twentieth‐Century Communism
by Kristen Ghodsee • reviewed by ADRIENNE J. COHEN

Cold War Anthropology
The CIA, the Pentagon, and the Growth of Dual Use Anthropology
by David H. Price • reviewed by JULIE McBRIEN

If Truth Be Told
The Politics of Public Ethnography
by Didier Fassin and ed. • reviewed by ALYSHIA GÁLVEZ

The Haida Gwaii Lesson
A Strategic Playbook for Indigenous Sovereignty
by Mark Dowie • reviewed by DANIELLE DiNOVELLI‐LANG

The Man Who Stole Himself
The Slave Odyssey of Hans Jonathan. Gisli Palsson
by Anna Yates • reviewed by SINDRE BANGSTAD

Volume 45 | Issue 3 | August 2018