Sidney Mintz and His Legacy: Forum
Forum introduction
by Kevin A. Yelvington
Confronting the present
Migration in Sidney Mintz’s journal for The People of Puerto Rico
by Ismael García-Colón
The Greatest Generation
Apropos of Sidney Mintz
by Juan Vicente Palerm
Caribbean free villages
Toward an anthropology of blackness, place, and freedom
by Karla Slocum
Toward a critical ethnography of the university AES presidential address, 2017
by Hugh Gusterson
Professional apartheid
The racialization of US law schools after the global economic crisis
by Riaz Tejani
Keeping God’s distance
Sacrifice, possession, and the problem of religious mediation
by Joel Robbins
Glossolalia and cacophony in South Korea
Cultural semiosis at the limits of language
by Nicholas Harkness
Beyond cultural intimacy
The tensions that make truth for India’s Ahmadi Muslims
by Nicholas H. A. Evans
Sacralizing kinship, naturalizing the nation
Blood and food in postrevolutionary Iran
by Rose Wellman
An offer of pleasure
Islam, poetry, and the ethics of religious difference in a Kurdish home
by J. Andrew Bush
Social impact without social justice
Film and politics in the neoliberal landscape
by Sherry B. Ortner
Book Reviews
Killer Apes, Naked Apes, and Just Plain Nasty People
The Misuse and Abuse of Science in Political Discourse
by Richard J. Perry • reviewed by Michael L. Blakey
Decoding Chomsky
Science and Revolutionary Politics
by Chris Knight • reviewed by Sean O’Neill
Living Beings
Perspectives on Interspecies Engagements
by Penelope Dransart and ed. • reviewed by Radhika Govindrajan
Articulating Dinosaurs
A Political Anthropology
by Brian Noble • reviewed by Robert L. Anemone
What Is Existential Anthropology?
by Michael Jackson, Albert Piette, and eds. • reviewed by Jadran Mimica
Sacred Rice
An Ethnography of Identity, Environment, and Development in Rural West Africa
by Joanna Davidson • reviewed by Zolani Ngwane
An Essay (or Experiment) in the Anthropology of the Individual
by Jan Patrick Heiss • reviewed by Walter E. Little
Islamic Education in Africa
Writing Boards and Blackboards
by Robert Launay and ed. • reviewed by Ismail Fajrie Alatas
Trickster Theatre
The Poetics of Freedom in Urban Africa
by Jesse Weaver Shipley • reviewed by John Schaefer
Beyond Religious Tolerance
Muslim, Christian and Traditionalist Encounters in an African Town
by Insa Nolte, Olukoya Ogen, Rebecca Jones, and eds. • reviewed by Eric J. Montgomery
Violent Conversion
Brazilian Pentecostalism and Urban Women in Mozambique
by Linda van de Kamp • reviewed by Jon Schubert
Looking Back, Moving Forward
Transformation and Ethical Practice in the Ghanaian Church of Pentecost
by Girish Daswani • reviewed by Courtney Handman
Rights after Wrongs
Local Knowledge and Human Rights in Zimbabwe
by Shannon Morreira • reviewed by Harri Englund
Biomedicine in an Unstable Place
Infrastructure and Personhood in a Papua New Guinean Hospital
by Alice Street • reviewed by Cristina T. Bejarano
Essential Trade
Vietnamese Women in a Changing Marketplace
by Ann Marie Leshkowich • reviewed by Hy V. Luong
Ghost Protocol
Development and Displacement in Global China
by Carlos Rojas, Ralph A. Litzinger, and eds. • reviewed by Ellen R. Judd
Afghanistan Remembers
Gendered Narrations of Violence and Culinary Practices
by Parin Dossa • reviewed by Paulette G. Curtis
Crossing the Gulf
Love and Family in Migrant Lives
by Pardis Mahdavi • reviewed by Darryl Li
The Reckoning of Pluralism
Political Belonging and the Demands of History in Turkey
by Kabir Tambar • reviewed by Jarrett Zigon
Oikos and Market
Explorations in Self-Sufficiency after Socialism
by Stephen Gudeman, Chris Hann, and eds. • reviewed by G. Derrick Hodge
The Anthropology of Security
Perspectives from the Frontline of Policing, Counter-terrorism and Border Control
by Mark Maguire, Catarina Frois, Nils Zurawski, and eds. • reviewed by Thomas M. Wilson
Figurations of the Future
Forms and Temporalities of Left Radical Politics in Northern Europe
by Stine Krøijer • reviewed by Halvard Vike
The Management of Hate
Nation, Affect, and the Governance of Right-Wing Extremism in Germany
by Nitzan Shoshan • reviewed by Petra Rethmann
Le cosmopolitisme, de la ville au politique
Enquête sur les mobilisations urbaines à Bruxelles
by Louise Carlier • reviewed by Elisabeth Mareels
Singular and Plural
Ideologies of Linguistic Authority in 21st Century Catalonia
by Kathryn A. Woolard • reviewed by Jacqueline Urla
Anthropologies of Class
Power, Practice and Inequality
by James G. Carrier, Don Kalb, and eds. • reviewed by David Lipset