The AES small grants competition, now in its fifth year, received many excellent proposals, and the committee was challenged to select 13 grant recipients from a pool of worthy projects. The award of $2500 is to fund dissertation research. Grantees will be encouraged to write a short reflective essay on their project findings for the AES website, and an additional $500 will be available to grantees who present their work at the 2023 AES spring meeting, co-hosted by the Association of Political and Legal Anthropology (APLA), place and date TBA.AES plans to run the competition again in 2023.


The committee awarded grants to the following thirteen graduate students:


Martin Aucion, Boston University

“A chicken in every knot: Human-poultry entanglements in W. Virginia and W. Africa”

Rusen Bingul, Emory University

“The Heqi: Alternative Dispute Resolution in the margins of Turkey”

Roshni Chattopadhyay, Emory University

“Conciliation at the Resource Frontier: Engendering Majhi System in India”

Ibrahim Isik, University of Arizona

“Infrastructural Governance: Environment, the People and the State in Southeast Turkey”

Begum Isik, Boston University

“Ambiguous Politics of Care: Syrian Refugees’ Uncertain Life in Turkey”

Idjahure Kadiwel, University of Sao Paulo

“Musical and Verbal Arts among the Baniwa of Upper Rio Negro”

Joyce Lu, Rutgers University

“Experiences of Anitmicrobial Resistance in the Western Highlands of Guatemala”

Elizabeth Melville, Columbia University

“Multiethnic Brazil: Different Shades of White”

Eddie Pesante-Gonzalez, CUNY Graduate Center

“Energizing the State: Transforming the Energy Matrix as Mutual Aid in Puerto Rico”

Aman Roy, CUNY Graduate Center

“Weary Logistics: Towards an Anthropology of Labor in the Smart City”

Rohan Sengupta, New York University

“Documenting ‘Terror’ Accusations: The Social Life of the UAPA”

Ramsha Usman, UC Santa Barbara

“The Making of the Able Worker in Pakistan’s Special Economic Zones”

Roderick Wijunamai, Cornell University

“Symbiotic Indigeneity and Shared Vulnerabilities in the Eastern Himalaya”